Chaminade University Parish Health Walk to Bethlehem Challenge 2022 - Part 2

To start the challenge
Get into teams
People per team
Miles to complete as a team
Days to complete it

A little more info

Welcome to the Walk to Bethlehem

  • Looking to get more active and have fun?
  • Interested in recharging your body, mind, and spirit?
  • Yes? Then we've got just the thing for you! Our unique 10-week challenge created to help promote your health!

This walk will join parishioners of the Co-Cathedral of Saint Theresa in Honolulu with faculty, staff, students and friends from Chaminade University of Honolulu to take a virtual trip to Bethlehem.

The walk starts on Sunday 10/16/22 and ends Christmas Day. We will combine our physical activity to cover 50,742,957 steps and 21,623 miles as we track our progress on a global map.

Along the way we will learn about people and places at milestones across the South Pacific, Asia, and more*. We will also take time to reflect and strengthen our faith.

Many types of physical activity can be counted in addition to or instead of walking; just use the built-in Activity Conversion Chart. You can even set up your smart device to sync your steps automatically. If you don’t have a smart device, it is easy to manually log your activities on the webpage.

So, sign up today!! You can either create your own team of 1-10 people or join an existing team. Then...get ready to start logging your activity starting on Sunday 10/16/22!

Need help? Have questions?
Contact: Dr. Kathleen Burger Parish Health Co-Coordinator
Chaminade University of Honolulu
Email: [email protected] or Call: 808-739-7438

*Milestone descriptions sourced from Wikipedia and shared under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license. Funding for this project provided by the Office of Mission and Rector of Chaminade University.

Helpful hints

Wanting to use the app on your phone?

  • Step 1 Download the iPhone or Android app on your phone.

  • Step 2 On the first screen input "cuhparishhealthwalk" when it asks for your challenge website address

  • Step 3 Sign in with the same e-mail address you registered with online, or create a new account if you don't already have one.

  • Step 4 Enjoy the challenge!